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This Manager is at Release level. You can view the Javadoc documentation for the Manager here.

Provided annotation
Code snippets and examples


This Manager allows Galasa tests to issue CICS/TS CECI commands.

Use the command-level interpreter (CECI) Manager to request a CECI instance in a Galasa test, issue basic CECI commands which can be processed interactively on a 3270 screen and retrieve results. Examples of using this Manager can include writing data to a temporary storage queue, linking to a CICS program or retrieving the signed on user id.

Provided annotation

The following annotations are available with the CICS TS CECI Manager

Annotation: CICS/TS CECI Manager
Name: @CECI
Description: The @CECI annotation will request the CICS/TS CECI Manager to provide a CECI instance.
Syntax: @CECI
public ICECI ceci;
Notes: Requests to the ICECI Manager interface requires an ITerminal object which is logged on to CICS and is at the CECI initial screen.

If mixed case is required, the terminal should be presented with no upper case translate status. For example, the test could first issue CEOT TRANIDONLY to the ITerminal before invoking ICECI methods.

Code snippets

Use the following code snippets to help you get started with the CICS TS CECI Manager.

Request a CECI instance

The following snippet shows the code that is required to request a CECI instance in a Galasa test:

public ICECI ceci;

The code creates a CICS/TS CECI instance. The CECI instance will also require a 3270 terminal instance:

public IZosImage zosImageA;

public ITerminal ceciTerminal;

The 3270 terminal is associated with the zOS Image allocated in the zosImageA field.

Issue a basic CECI command

The following snippet shows the code required to issue the a basic CECI command. In this case, the test will write a message to the operator console:

String ceciCommand = "EXEC CICS WRITE OPERATOR TEXT('About to execute Galasa Test...')";
ICECIResponse resp = ceciTerminal.issueCommand(terminal, ceciCommand);
if (!resp.isNormal() {
Link to program with container

Create a CONTAINER on a CHANNEL, EXEC CICS LINK to a PROGRAM with the CHANNEL and get the returned CONTAINER data.

Create the input CONATINER called "MY-CONTAINER-IN" on CHANNEL "MY-CHANNEL" with the data "My_Contaier_Data". The CONTAINER will default to TEXT with no code page conversion:

ICECIResponse resp = ceci.putContainer(ceciTerminal, "MY-CHANNEL", "MY-CONTAINER-IN", "My_Contaier_Data", null, null, null);
if (!resp.isNormal()) {


eib = ceci.linkProgramWithChannel(ceciTerminal, "MYPROG", "MY-CHANNEL", null, null, false);
if (!resp.isNormal()) {

Get the content of the CONTAINER "MY-CONTAINER-OUT" from CHANNEL "MY-CHANNEL" into the CECI variable "&DATAOUT" and retrieve the variable data into a String:

eib = ceci.getContainer(ceciTerminal, "MY-CHANNEL", "MY-CONTAINER-OUT", "&DATAOUT", null, null);
if (!resp.isNormal()) {
String dataOut = ceci.retrieveVariableText(ceciTerminal, "&DATAOUT");
Write binary data to a temporary storage queue

Use the following code to write binary data to TS QUEUE

Create a binary CECI variable:

char[] data = {0x0C7, 0x081, 0x093, 0x081, 0x0A2, 0x081, 0x040, 0x0C4, 0x081, 0x0A3, 0x081};
ceci.defineVariableBinary(ceciTerminal, "&BINDATA", data);

Write the binary variable to a TS QUEUE called "MYQUEUE":

ICECIResponse resp = ceci.issueCommand(ceciTerminal, command);
if (!resp.isNormal()) {

The "MYQUEUE" now contains the following data:

Galasa Data
Confirm the signed on userid

Use the following code to issue the CICS ASSIGN API and retrieve the signed on userid from the response:

String command = "ASSIGN";
ICECIResponse resp = ceci.issueCommand(ceciTerminal, command);
String userid = resp.getResponseOutputValues().get("USERID").getTextValue();

Alternatively, issue ASSIGN and assign the userid value to a variable:

String command = "ASSIGN USERID(&USERID)";
ICECIResponse resp = ceci.issueCommand(ceciTerminal, command);
String userid = ceci.retrieveVariableText("&USERID");