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CICS TS Manager

This Manager is at Alpha level. You can view the Javadoc documentation for the Manager here.

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This Manager provides Galasa tests to CICS/TS functions.

Testing CICS Regions on z/OS

To connect your Galasa test to a developer supplied environment with a provisioned CICS region as a minimum you need to configure the following properties for the CICS TS Manager:


You also need to configure the following properties for the z/OS Manager as a minimum to connect to a CICS region, even if you do not reference a @ZosImage in your Galasa test. This is because CICS regions sit on a z/OS LPAR, and so to provision and connect to a CICS region in a test, you also need access to the z/OS image that it sits within to make requests on the CICS region. You might need to configure additional z/OS-related CPS properties, depending on your test.

zos.dse.tag.PRIMARY.imageid=[IMAGEID] OR zos.cluster.[clusterId].images=[IMAGEID]  
zos.image.[IMAGEID].ipv4.hostname=[IP ADDRESS]

Configuration Properties

The following are properties that are used to configure the CICS TS Manager in the CPS.

Developer Supplied Environment - CICS TS Region - Type
Property: Developer Supplied Environment - CICS TS Region - Type
Name: cicsts.provision.type
Description: Provides the type of the CICS TS region for the DSE provisioner. The type setting is mandatory for a DSE region.
Required: Yes if you want a DSE region, otherwise not required. You must set this property if you are using the cicsts.dse.tag.[TAG].applid property.
Default value: None
Valid values: dse
Examples: <cicsts.provision.type=dse
Developer Supplied Environment - CICS TS Region - Applid
Property: Developer Supplied Environment - CICS TS Region - Applid
Name: cicsts.dse.tag.[TAG].applid
Description: Provides the applid of the CICS TS region for the DSE provisioner. The applid setting is mandatory for a DSE region. If you are using this property, you must also set the cicsts.provision.type property to specify the CICS TS region type to be dse. For example, cicsts.provision.type=dse.
Required: Yes if you want a DSE region, otherwise not required.
Default value: None
Valid values: A value VTAM applid
Examples: cicsts.dse.tag.PRIMARY.applid=CICS1A
Developer Supplied Environment - CICS TS Region - Version
Property: Developer Supplied Environment - CICS TS Region - Version
Name: cicsts.dse.tag.[TAG].version
Description: Provides the version of the CICS TS region to the DSE provisioner.
Required: Only requires setting if the test request it or a Manager performs a version dependent function.
Default value: None
Valid values: A value V.R.M version format, eg 5.6.0
Examples: cicsts.dse.tag.PRIMARY.version=5.6.0
Extra bundles required to implement the CICS TS Manager
Property: Extra bundles required to implement the CICS TS Manager
Name: cicsts.extra.bundles
Description: The symbolic names of any bundles that need to be loaded
with the CICS TS Manager.
Required: No
Default value: dev.galasa.cicsts.ceci.manager,dev.galasa.cicsts.ceda.manager,
Valid values: bundle symbolic names comma separated
Examples: cicsts.extra.bundles=org.example.cicsts.provisioning