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Docker Manager

This Manager is at Release level. You can view the Javadoc documentation for the Manager here.

Provided annotation
Code snippets and examples


This Manager enables tests to run Docker Containers on a Docker Engine provided by the Galasa infrastructure, making it easy to write tests that consume container-based services. The test does not need to worry about where the Docker infrastructure is, its credentials, or its capacity as this is all handled by the Manager.

The Docker Manager can be used by other Managers as a base for their own services. For example, the JMeter Manager can run a JMeter service inside a Docker Container. Using the Docker Manager in this way means that the test or administration team do not need to create dedicated JMeter resources.

Containers that are provided by the Docker Manager can be used to either drive workload for the application under test, or to receive workload from the application. The Docker Manager can also be used to monitor the test or to provide a security context like OpenLDAP. Docker Containers provide a powerful tool in helping test applications in an integrated environment.

The Docker Manager supports Galasa Shared Environments. Shared Environments provide the ability to create a test environment that can be shared across multiple test runs so you don't have to provision a test environment for each test.


The Docker Manager supports only AMD64 platforms. It is planned to expand the capability to S390x.

The Docker Manager currently supports only a single Docker Engine. It is planned to allow multiple Docker Engines to be configured.


The following annotations are available with the Docker Manager

Docker Container
Annotation: Docker Container
Name: @DockerContainer
Description: The @DockerContainer annotation requests the Docker Manager to allocate a slot and start a container on the infrastructure Docker Engines. The test can request as many containers as required within the limits set by the Docker Manager configuration.
Attribute: dockerContainerTag The dockerContainerTag is used to identify the Docker Container to other Managers or Shared Environments. If a test is using multiple Docker Containers, each separate Docker Container must have a unique tag. If two Docker Containers use the same tag, they will refer to the same Docker Container.
Attribute: image The image attribute provides the Docker Image that is used to create the Docker Container. The image name must not include the Docker Registry as this is provided in the CPS. If using a public official image from DockerHub, then the image name must be prefixed with library/, for example library/httpd:latest, the Docker Manager will not default to the library namespace like the Docker commands do.
Attribute: start The start attribute indicates whether the Docker Container should be started automatically. If the test needs to perform some work before the container is started, then start=false should be used, after which IDockerContainer.start() can be called to start the container.
Attribute: dockerEngineTag The dockerEngineTag will be used in the future so that a container can be run on a specific Docker Engine type. You would not normally need to provide a Docker Engine tag.
Syntax: @DockerContainer(image="library/httpd:latest")
public IDockerContainer httpdContainer;
@DockerContainer(image="privateimage", start=false)
public IDockerContainer container1;
Notes: The IDockerContainer interface gives the test access to the IPv4/6 address and the exposed port numbers of the Docker Container. The interface also enables the test to execute commands and retrieve the log and transfer files that are sent to and from the container.

See DockerContainer and IDockerContainer to find out more.
Docker Container Configuation
Annotation: Docker Container Configuation
Name: @DockerContainerConfig
Description: The code>@DockerContainerConfig annotation provides an object to manually configure certain aspects of a containers run. Within the annotation, volumes can be requests, for both binding and provisioning. Look at the Docker volume annotation description for more details. The IDockerContainerConfig object it self allows for non provisioing configurations to be set at test time and ammended between container startups. The IDockerContainer object needs to use the startWithConfig() method to take use of the customised startup config
Attribute: dockerVolumes Multiple volumes can be mounted within a single configuration @return
Syntax: @DockerContainerConfig( dockerVolumes = {
Docker Volume
Annotation: Docker Volume
Name: @DockerVolume
Description: The code>@DockerVolume annotation provides the capability to bind or provision docker volumes. The volumes were desgined with three Docker volume use cases in mind: 1. Mounting configuration - in this usecase any volume to be mounted contains configuration data and must not be edited by the running container, as this could affect parallelization of test running. Therefore, in the DockerVolume annotation, if a volume name is provided (aka already exists), the mount will be read only. 2. Sharing volumes - when a volume is required for multiple containers to use to share data. This shoult not be a provided volume, so it is expected that a volume name will not be passed to the DockerVolume annotation, and the docker engine will generate a name. This volume will be tagged for later reference. Current limitation is that the config used to provision the volume must be used for all containers wanting to mount the same volume. This results in the path having to be the same in all containers. 3. Persisting data - There may be a use case for a volume to exsist outside the life span of the test. For this I have encorparated a boolean called persist on the DockerVolume annotation. This is not indefinate, but controlled by resource management. A good default would probably be 24 hours, but can utimately be set by the user with a CPS property.
Attribute: existingVolumeName By default it is expected that Galasa should provision and control the volume. This field should only be used if beinding to an already exisitng volume. @return
Attribute: mountPath Where to mount the volume on the container. @return
Attribute: volumeTag When wanting to reference a mount that is going to be provisioned, this tage will be used. @return
Attribute: dockerEngineTag The dockerEngineTag will be used in the future so that a volume can be allocated on a specific Docker Engine type. You would not normally need to provide a Docker Engine tag. @return
Attribute: readOnly This field is used to protect this volume. If this volume is intended to be mounted to multiple containers, which you do not want editing the contents, set this to be true @return
Syntax: @DockerContainerConfig( dockerVolumes = { // A read only mount, as a specific volume was requested.

Code snippets

Use the following code snippets to help you get started with the Docker Manager.

Create a Docker Container

The following snippet shows the minimum code that is required to request a Docker Container in a Galasa test:

@Dockercontainer(image="library/httpd:latest", tag="http", start=true)
public IDockercontainer container1;

The code creates a Docker Container with an Apache HTTP Server running on port 80. Although this does not provide much, it does give a known target HTTP Server that you can start and stop in order to test how your application responds in those circumstances. By accessing the container1 field, you can find the IP address and port that was used for the container.

At the end of the test, the Docker Manager automatically stops and discards the Docker Container. If for some reason the test was not able to do this, the Docker Manager resource management routines perform the same clean up after the Galasa Ecosystem discovers the test has disappeared.

There is no limit in Galasa on how many Docker Containers can be used within a single test. The only limit is the number of Docker Containers that can be started in the Galasa Ecosystem. This limit is set by the Galasa Administrator and is typically set to the maximum number of containers that can be supported by the Docker Server or Swarm. If there are not enough slots available for an automated run, the run is put back on the queue in waiting state to retry. Local test runs fail if there are not enough container slots available.

Obtain the IP address and port of an exposed container port

Find the IP address and port by using the following code which provisions and starts an Apache HTTP server on port 80:

public IDockercontainer httpcontainer;
InetSocketAddress port80 = httpContainer.getFirstSocketForExposedPort(80);
Stop and Start a container

Stop and start your Apache HTTP Server to test how your application responds by using the following code:

public IDockercontainer httpcontainer;

Run a command in the container

Use the following code to execute a command within the Docker Container and return the resulting output:

public IDockercontainer httpcontainer;
IDockerExec exec = httpContainer.exec("ls","-l","/var/log");
String output = exec.getCurrentOutput();
Retrieve the log of the container

Use the following code to retrieve the container log:

public IDockercontainer httpcontainer;
String log = httpContainer.getStdOut();

Configuration Properties

The following are properties used to configure the Docker Manager.

Docker Engine DSE CPS Property
Property: Docker Engine DSE CPS Property
Name: docker.dse.engine.[engineTag]
Description: A property that allows a image to be tagged, and then selected from a test class
Required: No
Default value: PRIMARY
Valid values: An ID for the engine, e.g. LOCAL
Examples: docker.dse.engine.PRIMARY=LOCAL
Docker Engine CPS Property
Property: Docker Engine CPS Property
Name: docker.engine.[engineId].hostname
Description: Provides location of the Docker Engine
Required: Yes - the hostname of the Docker Engine must be provided
Default value: None
Valid values: A valid DNS name or IPv4/6 address
Examples: docker.engine.[engineId]

Currently, the Docker Manager supports only a single Docker Engine although it is planned to allow multiple Engines to be configured.
To allow local runs to access the local Docker Engine, you must add this property to the CPS and enable the TCP port of your local Docker Engine.
If the Docker Engine is not using the default TCP port, you must provide the docker.engine.port configuration property in the CPS.

Docker Engine Port CPS Property
Property: Docker Engine Port CPS Property
Name: docker.engine.port
Description: Provides TCP Port of the Docker Engine
Required: No
Default value: 2375
Valid values: Any valid TCP Port number
Examples: docker.engine.port=2375

The Docker Manager communicates with the Docker Engine via TCP. The Docker Engine needs to be configured to open the TCP port, which is usually 2375. If the port is not the default one, then this property needs to be provided in the CPS.

Docker Engines CPS Property
Property: Docker Engines CPS Property
Name: docker.default.engines
Description: Comma seperated list of availble docker engines
Required: Yes - at least one engine needs to be defined
Default value: None
Valid values: An ID for the engine, e.g. LOCAL
Examples: docker.default.engines=LOCAL

Currently, the Docker Manager supports only a single Docker Engine group called "default" although it is planned to allow multiple Engine groups to be configured.

Default Docker Registries CPS Property
Property: Default Docker Registries CPS Property
Name: docker.default.registries
Description: An ordered list of Docker Registries IDs to search for Images requested by Galasa Tests
Required: No
Default value: If not provided, DOCKERHUB id will be added
Valid values: A comma separated list of ID. See CPS property docker.registry.ID
Examples: docker.default.registries=LOCAL,DOCKERHUB

To decouple Docker Registries from the Galasa test, this property allows the Docker Manager to search for images. The main reason being if the customer Docker Registry moves, only this property needs to change, instead of having to change the source code of lots of tests.

The registries are searched in order when looking for an image. When the image is located, the search stops.

If this property is provided in the CPS, the Docker Hub registry is not automatically appended. If it is required, then the DOCKERHUB id must be included.

Docker Registry Credentials CPS Property
Property: Docker Registry Credentials CPS Property
Name: docker.registry.[ID.]credentials
Description: Provides the credentials of a Docker Registry that is used by the Docker Manager
Required: Yes if the registry requires authentication.
Default value: DOCKER
Valid values: A valid credentials ID.
Examples: docker.registry.LOCAL.credentials=CREDSID

If the docker.registry.ID.credentials CPS property is missing, the Docker Manager will attempt to use the credentials ID that is provided in docker.registry.credentials, if that is missing, then the default credentials ID of DOCKER will be used.

Docker Registry URL CPS Property
Property: Docker Registry URL CPS Property
Name: docker.registry.ID.url
Description: Provides the URL of a Docker Registry that is used by the Docker Manager.
Required: Yes if the Registry ID is used in the CPS Property docker.default.registries. However, the Docker Manager will default DOCKERHUB to if not provided.
Default value: None, except for DOCKERHUB where the default is
Valid values: A valid URL
Examples: docker.registry.LOCAL.url=

If the Docker Registry requires credentials for authentication, then the id for the credentials must be provided using the CPS property docker.registry.ID.credentials or docker.registry.credentials