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Selenium Manager

This Manager is at Beta level. You can view the Javadoc documentation for the Manager here.

Code snippets and examples


This Manager enables the test to run Selenium WebDrivers in order to drive Web Browsers during the test. Browsers can have actions performed against them to navigate WebPages and extract information about the current page.

As an absolute minimum, the CPS property
must be provided as the Manager will default to using a GECKO WebDriver if no WebDriver is provided.

The CPS property
can be used to set a different WebDriver. This will also require the corresponding driver path to be set.
eg. selenium.instance.PRIMARY.web.driver=CHROME


The Selenium Manager only supports GECKO, CHROME, EDGE and IE WebDrivers.

Code snippets

Use the following code snippets to help you get started with the Selenium Manager.

Create the Selenium Manager

The following snippet shows the minimum code that is required to request the Selenium Manager in a test:

public ISeleniumManager seleniumManager;

The code creates an interface to the Selenium Manager which will allow the tester to provision web pages to test against.

Open a WebPage
IWebPage page = seleniumManager.allocateWebPage("");

The code opens a WebPage with a Selenium WebDriver controlling the browser. This object provides an interface for the tester to perform actions on the page to navigate around, check the page content and switch between windows.

At the end of the test, the Selenium Manager automatically closes the WebDriver which removes the WebPage.

There is no limit in Galasa on how many Selenium WebPages can be used within a single test. The only limit is the ability of the Galasa Ecosystem they are running on to support the number of Selenium WebDrivers ensuring that they do not time out.

Navigating around a web page browser
page.sendKeysToElementByClass("js-search-input.search__input--adv", "Galasa");

The code showcases different actions which can be performed on a web page interface to interact with different WebElements on the Browser. These WebElements are selected using a range of different techniques which allows the tester flexibility in how they are selected.

Extracting web page information
WebElement element = page.findElementById("search_button_homepage");
String pageTitle = page.getTitle();
String pageSource = page.getPageSource();

The code shows different ways of gaining information about the web page to be tested against. Extracting the title is a very simple way of checking if the WebDriver is on the correct page and making sure that a WebElement is found.

Configuration Properties

The following are properties used to configure the Selenium Manager.

Selenium Available Drivers CPS Property
Property: Selenium Available Drivers CPS Property
Name: selenium.driver.type
Description: Describes the selenium driver types that can be selected.
Required: No
Default value: $default
Valid values: A valid String the describes any of the supported drivers: FIREFOX,CHROME,OPERA,EDGE
Examples: selenium.available.drivers=CHROME,FIREFOX,OPERA,EDGE
Selenium Default Driver CPS Property
Property: Selenium Default Driver CPS Property
Name: selenium.default.driver.type
Description: If set, describes the default the selenium driver that will be used.
Required: No
Default value: $default
Valid values: A valid String representation of a type. Available choices: local, docker, kubernetes, grid
Examples: selenium.default.driver=FIREFOX
Selenium Driver Version for Containerised Node
Property: Selenium Driver Version for Containerised Node
Name: selenium.image.node.version
Description: Provides the version number for the docker image that will be used for both the provisioning of docker and kubernetes selenium nodes.
Required: no
Default value: $default
Valid values: 4.0.0-beta-2-20210317
Examples: selenium.image.node.version=4.0.0-beta-2-20210317
Selenium Driver Max Slots CPS Property
Property: Selenium Driver Max Slots CPS Property
Name: selenium.driver.max.slots
Description: Allows number of concurrent drivers to be limited. If docker selected, the docker slot limit will also be enforced
Required: No
Default value: $default
Valid values: Int value for number of congruent drivers
Examples: selenium.driver.max.slots=3
Selenium Gecko Preferences CPS Property
Property: Selenium Gecko Preferences CPS Property
Name: selenium.local.gecko.preferences
Description: Provides extra preferences to use when using the gecko driver for extensions
Required: No
Default value: $default
Valid values: A comma seperated list of key value pairs for the preferences
Examples: selenium.local.gecko.preferences=app.update.silent=false,dom.popup_maximum=0
Selenium Gecko Profile CPS Property
Property: Selenium Gecko Profile CPS Property
Name: selenium.local.gecko.profile
Description: Provides a profile to use when using the gecko driver for extensions
Required: No
Default value: $default
Valid values: A valid String name of a profile
Examples: selenium.local.gecko.profile=default
Selenium Grid Endpoint CPS Property
Property: Selenium Grid Endpoint CPS Property
Name: selenium.grid.endpoint
Description: States the grid endpoint
Required: No
Default value: $default
Valid values: ip's and hostnames for a selenium grid
Examples: selenium.grid.endpoint=
Selenium Kubernetes Namespace
Property: Selenium Kubernetes Namespace
Name: selenium.kubernetes.namespace
Description: Provides the name of the namespace for the nodes to be provisioned on
Required: Yes
Default value: $default
Valid values: A valid String representation an available namespace on your k8's cluster
Examples: selenium.kubernetes.namespace=galasa
Selenium Node Selector CPS Property
Property: Selenium Node Selector CPS Property
Name: selenium.kubernetes.node.selector
Description: Node Selector tags to be added to the pod yaml that runs the Selenium Grid inside a k8's cluster. Multiple selectors can be passed comma seperated
Required: No
Default value: $default
Valid values: Comma seperated list of any node selectors: amd64, platform: myplatform
Examples: amd64
Selenium Driver Path CPS Property
Property: Selenium Driver Path CPS Property
Name: selenium.local.driver.BROWSER.path
Description: Provides a path to a local webdriver on the system being tested
Required: Yes
Default value: $default
Valid values: A valid String representation of a path
Examples: selenium.local.driver.CHROME.path=/usr/bin/chromedriver
Selenium Screenshot Failure CPS Property
Property: Selenium Screenshot Failure CPS Property
Name: selenium.screenshot.failure
Description: Takes a screenshot on a test method failing
Required: No
Default value: $default
Valid values: true or false
Examples: selenium.screenshot.failure=true
Selenium Driver Type CPS Property
Property: Selenium Driver Type CPS Property
Name: selenium.driver.type
Description: Describes the selenium runtime that will be used.
Required: No
Default value: $default
Valid values: A valid String representation of a type. Available choices: local, docker, kubernetes, grid
Examples: selenium.driver.type=docker